In Eat2Move eight partners work closely together on the development and application of knowledge. In projects, we share our expertise with others.
Eat2Move aims to directly apply specific knowledge about nutrition for performance and recovery to services and products. Projects within Eat2Move follow the 3Vcycle: Explore (‘Verkennen’ in Dutch), Validate and Valorise.
Cooperation with entrepreneurs and companies
Eat2Move supports entrepreneurs and companies conducting research, applying for external project financing and in the realization of products and services in the sports and healthcare.
Eat2Move offers access to:
- a unique consortium with extensive knowledge and expertise;
- advanced equipment and assessment methods;
- a large network and pilot projects in both the recreational and healthcare practice.
New ideas for cooperation within Eat2Move are welcome: please use the Project Idea Form.
Do you want to know more about us, how we work and opportunities for cooperation? For a (telephone) appointment please contact us by e-mail: