
Central to Eat2Move is the role of diet in optimizing performance, speeding up recovery and promoting health. Three themes focusing on one specific aspect of this focus.

Eat2Move focuses on three main themes. The focus on performance and recovery in (elite) sports and disease runs like a thread through all three themes. This creates synergy between scientists, sport coaches, health professionals and companies.

1107 athletics jump-NOCNSF-vierkantNutritional status and health profile

Which nutrient deficiencies occur in athletes? How and when can these be measured? How can the results of the above questions be applied in healthcare? The theme Nutritional status and health profile delves into these questions. More information: Marco Mensink, Wageningen University and Marlieke Visser, Hospital Gelderse Vallei.

menukaart AYR_2-vierkantInnovations in nutrition

What foods do athletes need? What products are not yet available? How can new knowledge and nutritional products be used in health care? The theme Innovations in nutrition focuses on these questions. More information: Jeroen Wouters, InnosportNL.


PapendalNutritional advice and monitoring

What do specific athletes and sport coaches need when focusing on nutrition? What tools can simplify the food choice for athletes and patients? How can new knowledge be effectively used in practice? These are questions for the theme Nutritional advice and monitoring. More information: Floris Wardenaar, HAN university for applied science.