Afgelopen vrijdag verdedigde Floris Wardenaar met succes zijn proefschrift.
De titel van zijn proefschrift luidt: Evaluation of dietary intake and nutritional supplement use of elite and sub-elite Dutch athletes. 4 jaar geleden, in september 2012, startte hij zijn PhD traject in samenwerking met Wageningen University & Research.
Publicaties uit dit proefschrift:
- Nutritional Supplement Use by Dutch Elite and Sub-Elite Athletes: Does Receiving Dietary Counselling Make a Difference?
- Self-Reported Use and Reasons among the General Population for Using Sports Nutrition Products and Dietary Supplements
- Validation of web-based, multiple 24-h recalls combined with nutritional supplement intake questionnaires against nitrogen excretions to determine protein intake in Dutch elite athletes
- Nutrient Intake by Ultramarathon Runners: Can They Meet Recommendations?